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Romulus 2 Link Images

We are thrilled to little bits when people want to provide a link to Romulus 2 on their website! To make it easy for you, we have provided a few images you might want to choose from.

Simply right-click the image you want, select "Save Picture As..." and save it to your hard drive. Upload the image to your web space, include it in your page and set it up as a link to us.

Thank you!

Feedback Arena Images:

88 x 31 pixels

300 x 45 pixels

468 x 60 pixels


Feedback Arena Text Link:

<a href="http://www.feedbackarena.com">Romulus 2 Feedback Arena</a>

(direct link to Feedback Arena index page)

Standard Images:

210 x 70 pixels

270 x 70 pixels


Animated Images:

88 x 31 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

468 x 60 pixels


Standard Text Link:

<a href="http://www.romulus2.com">Romulus 2</a>


Badge Image:

300 x 176 pixels


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